Are you considering upgrading your website in 2025 but aren’t sure if it’s worth the investment? Here are the top reasons you should strongly consider making the move or risk regretting your decision later down the line…

Online Technology Moves Fast: What was considered new or cutting edge even a few years ago can easily become outdated or even irrelevant today. There is no business technology that evolves faster than web design and you don’t want to be left in the dust by your competition.
You Believe Your Current Website Isn’t Up To Standard – If you’re reading this article at all it’s likely because you feel your website’s quality doesn’t meet the standard you would like. Trust your gut on this because if you feel that way as the business owner there’s a high chance your visitors are having a similar reaction.
Websites Are The New Storefront – Websites are today’s storefront and perhaps even more important than your company’s physical location. A website will most likely be your first point of contact with new customers. They’ll decide whether or not they want to do business with you based on your web presence alone more so than any other factor.
Your Investment Will Pay You Back – The main reason you invest in a quality website is to get more customers and potential sales. When your website is done properly you’re most likely to make your money back and create a long-term source of revenue. When it’s not it becomes not much more than an expensive online business card.
You Did It Yourself Or Had An Aquantance Do It The First Time: Chances are you went the cheaper route the first time around, thinking you could save a few bucks on start-up costs. Unfortunately, hiring a non-professional to do your website is like hiring a friend to do your dental work in their basement. In most cases, it’s probably not a good idea.
If You Don’t Your Competition Will First: If you convince yourself you don’t need a new website but your competition has other ideas, they’ll be in the driver’s seat not you. New customers have short attention spans and are most likely to trust the better website first, even if you have the better product or service to offer.
It Will Cost You More In The Long Run: Saving money short-term will come at a long-term expense, where you’ll be missing out on major revenue. It’s just like cheating on your diet, at the end of the day you’ll only be cheating yourself….only this time financially.
If You Are Planning To Advertise In 2025: If you are planning to advertise your business and then direct your customers to an underwhelming website your efforts will be in vain. Advertising is what gets your foot in the door but it’s your website that usually closes the deal.
Your current website results are non-existent: If you know you have a nice website but it’s not bringing in new customers it’s like owning a Ferrari with no engine. When your website is not generating regular business for you it’s a clear sign that a change is necessary.
You’re not satisfied with your current web designer: If you’re not happy with your overall experience with your current web designer it’s time to move on. It’s the equivalent of staying in a toxic long-term relationship because you’re afraid to start again. Working with your web design company should be a mostly positive experience, if it’ isn’t ‘then it’s a clear red flag.
If you are looking for affordable top-end web design help call or text us at 403-374-2727 for more information or email us directly at We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and assist you in any way we can!
Jeff Moyer – Advance Web Solutions Owner